Dr. Organic Mommy

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Valentine's Day 2024 Ideas

I love all these creative mamas on Etsy, so I wanted to feature a few here. I usually create a combination of the granola that I love making for the teacher (see my old blog on this) or the gems card, which I am trying to make myself. I know it’s not always possible, but I try to start early so the kids can work on one or two cards each night leading up to Valentine’s Day. I find that this takes the stress out of it all. Hope you have find these links helpful!

  1. Valentine’s cards with heart crystal - We are working on a DIY version of this for our Valentine’s cards this year. I will purchase my gems from a local shop to add to the card that the kids can sign for their friends. I found a similar option on Etsy.

  2. ”Tea-riffic” Valentine's gift printable card I love this for all the incredible teachers. Add your favorite tea and tie this tag with some ribbon. I love Pique tea

  3. "How sweet it is to be taught by you" teacher Valentine’s gift card holder Another great option for teachers. You can insert a gift card to their favorite store.

  4. ”Espresso how much we appreciate you” gift tag A cute little gift for your teachers and I like to include my favorite coffee from Purity.

  5. ”Hands down you are the best” printable gift tag You can add Aleavia hand soap (use code DRORGANICMOMMY).

  6. "You are tote-ally amazing" gift tag paired with a market bag from Apolis.

  7. Editable mint favor tag add some Simply Gum mints.

  8. Homemade granola in a mason jar with a ribbon tied around it.