Stomach Flu

Always check with your pediatrician but this is what I do for my kiddos:

My savior was using the Lumebox twice a day on then stomach and drinking electrolytes.

#1) The most important thing to do is to keep your child hydrated. Don’t worry so much about their appetite being suppressed. For babies under 12 weeks, please contact your pediatrician asap. I like to give my kids fresh young coconuts to drink, or coconut water like Harmless Harvest is a great brand instead of those Pedialyte-type drinks. Remember to give small sips as drinking too much can induce vomiting. You can also make your own hydrating popsicles.

#2 Take a muslin cloth or a swaddle, steep it in a large bowl of chamomile tea and then wring out excess water. Then I wrap it around the child’s stomach and place a dry wool cloth over.
#3 I love using this hot water bottle to help relieve pain and discomfort as well as this tummy oil from weleda.

#4 There is no scientific evidence for this, but I like to place a sliced red onion on the bottom of their feet, then I put wet cotton socks over. I then add dry wool socks on top. I use this remedy when they have a fever (or cold symptoms).

#5 Mary Ruth Organics Activated Charcoal (always check with your doctor re dosage. I will open the capsule and use a small amount diluted in water). Use code DRORGANICMOMMY 

#6 Lemon or iodine lukewarm bath (make sure it’s NOT cold, you do not want to shock the child’s system) - I always find it helps bring the temperature down by one degree making them more comfortable to sleep (40 drops of Mary Ruth Organics iodine in a full bath or several halved lemons squeezed into the tub). I will also add some expired breast milk.

Remember to give lots of cuddles.

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