Treasure Collecting

Natasha Beck Treasure Collecting.png

When you go for a walk does your kid want to bring everything with them or collect everything they see?

This concept of gathering is developmentally appropriate. Children often want to bring items with them on outings or even when they leave their room because it helps them feel safe & it provides them with comfort. That said, I don’t like having the lovey leave the bed/crib. If this results in a tantrum that lets me know 1 of 2 things are going- ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
1) they are still tired and need time to transition out of their sleep environment or
2) they need a transitional object to help, make them feel comfortable and safe, so they may need more time in their crib before getting up.

How does this translate when you are going for walk? Do your kids grab everything in sight & want to bring it with them? Before you dismiss what they want to bring, acknowledge it – “Oh I see you want to bring so many of your toys with you. Hmmm that would be very hard to carry. I see your fanny pack or purse by the door. You may bring any items that fit inside your bag .” This may result in your child becoming frustrated that not all their toys will fit in the bag. Here is your moment to teach frustration tolerance. This is where you sit with them & have them problem solve which item(s) fit in their bag to bring with you on your walk.

Your child may want to collect things on the walk. I actually encourage you to do this with your child- bringing a basket or bucket where they can find “treasures.” I think it’s ok for your kids to collect pinecones, leaves or even dirt. If you don’t like your kids getting messy put them in a rain suit. I love the ones from @biddleandbop & just keep it outdoors. I am not a fan of gloves on kids because it’s important for them to feel different materials. I want the dirt to be under their finger nails (that’s why we have nail brushes😉). If you are concerned about them touching various surfaces, I recommend @suds2go for washing hands with soap on the go.