Over Scheduling Kids

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Over-scheduling kids
Anyone guilty of this?
As parents we want to give our children EVERYTHING but is that really the best thing for them? I have been seeing more and more kids protesting their scheduled activities. I find that kids just really want to stay home and play with you! That doesn't mean that you have to be involved but it's about being present and observing what they are doing. I want you to take a minute and think about having PLAY be a scheduled activity as it really lays the foundation to set your child up for success. I am not saying that structured activities aren't good for children but be picky. No more than two to three a week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Some of the problems that I see with over scheduled kids include:
Decrease in self confidence
Lack of focus
Impaired sleep
What types of activities do your kids do?