How to Control Potty Talk

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There are definitely boundaries that need to be in place as it is very typical for kids to find humor in words that make them laugh. So how does one deal with this? As always the language is key. Words like poopy, stinky, etc... I associate with needing to use the bathroom. So I respond with wonder "Hmm, it sounds like you need to go to the bathroom?" Most likely you will hear back "No I don't need to go to the bathroom" and adding a simple reminder of "Those words are not appropriate for the table" but allowing them to have a chance to use them when they need to get their silly's out may be useful for some children. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Initially reminding your child that "We use kind words" and then depending on the child's age and ability put it back on them and say "What are some kind words that we use?" as this gives them an opportunity to participate in the dialogue and not just feel like they are being scolded. .

Does your child use potty language? ⤵️⤵️⤵️