Dealing with the Fires

I am thinking about everyone dealing with the wildfires, the smoke, and air quality alerts across the Northeast. If your community is facing poor air quality levels, there are things you can and should do to protect yourself and those most vunerable including young children and babies, pregnant women and people with respiratory issues. I like to reference PurpleAir Maps for live updates on air quality. In areas identified as "orange" and above, I encourage you to stay indoors and do as many of the following as you are able:

🪟 Keep windows closed

💧 Stay hydrated

🥕 Eat lots of fruits/veggies to help with hydration

🥥 Make coconut water popsicles for kiddos or watermelon popsicles

🌱 Turn on air purifiers if you have one (My favorite is from @iqair health pro plus)

🪴 Indoor plants can help like snake plants (My favorite is @leonandgeorge's snake plant)

🧊 Keep little kids busy with some bowls, ice cubes, scoopers and sponges and put a drop cloth down