Dr. Organic Mommy

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How to Handle your Child's Insults

“You’re a bad mommy” (or daddy, or nanny etc)
Has this happened to you?

You may be thinking to yourself wow that really hurt! How could my child say that to me? Instead I want you to reframe this thought to... my child is really upset and is struggling to verbalize their feelings to me. Don’t take this personally. This has NOTHING to do with you. It is important to be the stable calm safe presence for your child to express those thoughts and strong feelings.

So how do you respond? Instead of “no mommy loves you” try… “you’re really mad about xyz.”
Instead of “don’t say that to me!” try… “you’re really mad about xyz.” Remember to not try to fix it but validate it! The love you have for your child is unconditional. You will always love them no matter how they feel.