Dr. Organic Mommy

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Time to Update (or Make!) Your Emergency Bag

Was making or updating your emergency bag on your New Years to do list? This a good time to think about doing it so I put together a list of what I keep in mine. 🎒🎒🎒
I know this is a long list but I put it all here as I thought some ideas may be helpful! ⤵️⤵️
Flashlights next to all beds
Fire extinguisher under a couple sinks
Shoes next to bed
2-3 gallons of water per person on hand ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Whistle to signal for help
Water filter/purification tablets
Masks and gloves
Backpack for each person
Toiletries for each person
Few rolls of toilet paper
Change of clothes for each person (roll clothes to take up less space)
Windbreaker and hats
Leather or vinyl gloves
Mylar blankets and tent
LED lanterns
Insect repellent
Trash bags
Permanent markers
Pad of paper
Snacks- nut/sunflower butter, bars, dried fruit, beans, canned food, Skout bars, mama chia baby food pouches
Can opener
First aid kits
Children’s pain reliever and benedryl
Antibiotics for each person
Tampons/pads/kind cup
Multi purpose Swiss army knife
Cash- small bills
Coins for vending machines
Copies of documents in fire safe box
Battery powered radio
Mini generator (to charge phones)
Solar powered charger
Portable phone chargers
Glow sticks
Matches/lighters - windproof
Hand warmers
Duct tape
Dog food
Family photos
Colored pencils, coloring books, sticker books
Diaper cream
2-5 Bottles
Clothes (2 sizes up) - onesies, footed pants, long sleeves, socks (can double as mittens)
Update food and clothing items every 6-12 months. Store in a bin or better yet a rolling suit case in order to make it easier to transport. I keep most things in a carry on suitcase for the kids and I keep it close to the front door.