Dr. Organic Mommy

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Three Things I Try to Avoid Having in My Home

Three things that I do my best to avoid in my home as a mom of four and a Doctorate in Pediatric Neuropsychology and a Master’s in Public Health.

  1. PFAS 🍳: Anything that says it’s nonstick or has a stain-resistant application. This has been shown to have an increased risk of cancer and obesity. Here are some of my PFAS free cookware favorites.

  2. FRAGRANCE 🕯: It is typically found in laundry detergent, body/face products, and candles. The chemicals in most fragrances are phthalates which are endocrine disrupters. These impact fertility and are correlated with asthma and are carcinogenic. Here is a great EWG reference.

  3. PLASTIC ♳: We can’t always avoid it, but especially when drinking or eating something out of plastic. We want to be mindful of not heating foods or liquids in it or putting anything acidic in plastic as that will cause the leaching of various bisphenols. These are also endocrine disrupters. Here are some of my favorite plastic-free alternatives for drinkware,

    plates/bowls and food storage/mixing bowls.