Dr. Organic Mommy

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Removing a Pacifier

I have received a ton of DMs lately on how to remove a pacifier in a gentle way.

Here are some of my top hacks:

1) Binkie fairy🧚 and replace with a gift 🎁 

2) Put in the trash and give to the garbage man 🗑️ and sometimes you can sit in the garbage truck 🚛

3) Build a bear-- put the paci’s inside of the bear so pacifiers are kept safe. 🐻

4) Send paci’s in an envelope to babies who need it. Let them decorate the envelope and put it in the mailbox 📮

5) Plant pacifiers in the yard and the next day replace with a plant🌱

6) Involve your UPS man- give the paci’s in a box to him and he can give your little one a toy in return. 📦

7) If you use a WubbaNub (which I don't recommend starting with if you haven't started already because then the child associates their lovey with the pacifier) cut the nipple off and let them keep the doll.

Did you use any of these methods? Which ones worked for you?