Dr. Organic Mommy

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Nut Milk

1 bowl of almonds/cashews/pistachios/hazelnuts/walnuts
1 nut milk bag
Filtered Water
Optional: 1 date, 1 vanilla bean


  1. Soak nuts overnight in a bowl of water

  2. Strain the next day

  3. Put the nuts in the blender the next day (add 1 date and 1 vanilla bean, if desired)

  4. Add 3 cups of water for every 1 cup of nuts

  5. Blend until the texture is milky

  6. Pour the mixture into a bowl through a nut milk bag

  7. Store nut milk in a glass bottle or jar (lasts for 3-4 days in the fridge)

***Tip: save the nut pulp in the nut milk bag to use as protein boost in pancakes, muffins, and smoothies!