Dr. Organic Mommy

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Building Self Confidence

Steps to build self confidence in kids:

Step back and allow your child to make mistakes AND let them take the lead. When a parent is constantly on top of a child, it makes them feel incompetent. Rather than telling them what to do and following them around, gently let them know your expectations. For example, you may sit at circle time or those toys are not for the table but you may put them next to your chair for safe keeping.

I also like to use the words “yet” and “soon” a lot with my kids. SOON you will be able to help wash the dishes. SOON you will be able to feed the dog. SOON you will be able to help me vacuum. You can’t write your name YET. You can’t ride a bike YET.

The anticipation makes kids excited for the day they can do something on their own. When they are able to do it on their own, refrain from saying good job washing the dishes, rather you now are able to wash the dishes on your own. You didn’t need my help and did it by yourself. These statements really help the child internalize that proud feeling and it helps build their self confidence.

Let me know your questions below. And do you want more posts on building confidence?