Dr. Organic Mommy

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Vroom Vroom! Safety First!

I spent the morning with Ramir, the go-to certified car seat installer (in Los Angeles)! Yes, that is a thing! And he is the best! 🚘 🚙 🚗 
I get a lot of questions about why I keep Ryder rear-facing. Does this work for everyone? No. Some kids are taller, sometimes you just need convenience, sometimes it doesn't work with your car...there are a lot of different factors. But for us, this works and Ramir encourages it. In California, the law requires you to have any child under 2 years rear-facing. It is safer to keep them rear facing as long as they don't exceed the weight limit of your car seat. It is also really important that you use the seat belt and the latches when doing this based on their weight and the weight of the car seat. Ramir told me that the most common mistake that parents make is not placing the chest clip in the proper place and keeping the straps snug. He says the chest clip should always remain at armpit level, never higher than that and never lower than that. 
For more tips from Ramir, check out my highlights on my profile page.