Dr. Organic Mommy

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Outdoor Summer Play Ideas Pt. 1

All week I am going to share some ideas for parents who are looking for some end of the summer activities.

Here is the first one:
Grab a cardboard box... put some paint (I like @kwikstixpaint), stickers, and cut a couple of holes in the box. Let them make a "fairy house.” When they are done take them on a walk and give each child a basket to collect rocks, pinecones, sticks, and flowers. They can fill their box with found treasures and that should last about an hour. Can take it a step further & put a plastic bin inside and put some dirt in with some seeds and let the magic grow over the next week 🌱 💧💧💧
What are your favorite go-to summer fun activities? ⤵️⤵️⤵️

Or go on @etsy and order a kit from @gypsyraku