Dr. Organic Mommy

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Kids and Colds

Here are my rough notes for handling kids and colds. Be sure to always check with your doctor.

Sit in bathroom with shower on hot (put towel by bottom of door) and breathe in steam.

Tea tree therapy chest rub on chest and bottom of feet. Cover with wool socks if you have.

Get Frida nasal Aspirator - I prefer it over braun personally. Use this after the steam.

Low tox life makes eucalyptus discs that evaporate in the water and are amazing!

Can give Mary Ruth elderberry syrup (it doesn’t have honey). Prefer Tasha Rose herbalist but it has honey. Discount code DRORGANICMOMMY for both. I also give the kids her victory elixir every day after one for immunity boost. Elderberry proven to help shorten duration of colds

Can use Living Libations and Maty’s chest rub too.

Take a slice of red onion and put it on the bottom of the foot. I then take a cold sock and wet it in really cold water and put a dry wool sock over it to keep them nice and snug. I find that it dries out by the morning and it helps so much. It helps drain out congestion. No scientific evidence for this but I find it works. Can put a folded towel and put on one side of the crib underneath the mattress to help keep the child more upright.

With humidifier- (use code DRORGANICMOMMY). You have to make sure to clean it every day as it’s prone to mold.