Dr. Organic Mommy

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Cleaning After the Fires (CA)

After the fires, I was a crazy lady and was vacuuming every single surface...upholstery, rugs, mattress etc. Though I was so fortunate not to have any physical fire damage, there are still particles in the air that get into your home and can remain on the surfaces of your furniture, rugs and even inside your cars. I was happy when this company @tinecoglobal reached out to me because I REALLY love this vacuum. Not only do I use it, but my kids are a fan of the smaller attachment and you will often hear them asking to use this vacuum!
Since the A11 Master is cordless, it is also the perfect way to clean up my car since you will often see leaves from produce, and tons of dirt and sand because my kids - like all kids - get dirty and I encourage it! .