Dr. Organic Mommy

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Children and Pool Safety

The recent horrible tragedy with Bode Miller’s family has fueled a lot of questions about children and pool safety. Let’s please keep this family in our thoughts. πŸ‘Ό 
I asked the amazing Lisa Cook from @kidswimla for her top water safety tips.
Here are her top five safety tips for swimming with kids:
1) There should always be a gate and cover at a home pool. The key should be somewhere that kids can't access it and kids should never be allowed to open it.
2) Children should not take any swim lessons with a floaty. All swim lessons should be done without any crutch or floating device. You don't want kids to become dependent on it.
3) There should be a phone by the pool, and your children who are above the age of 5 should know how to dial 911. This can be a cell phone where they know how to make an emergency call from the lock screen.
4) One of the first safety skills that all children should learn is how to pull themselves out of the pool and how to get out from the side.
5) Children should never hold on to each other in the water.
It is very important to note: if you ever take young children to a house that has a pool without a gate or cover you must be prepared to watch them AT ALL TIMES. Even better, if you can, leave them at home.